Cakephp Blog Tutorial 1 – Installation

1. download the latest version cakePHP,

2. copy into localhost root file, and I name it as “Blog”

3. There are 3 things need to fix it out:

First is connect to your databases:

A) Database configuration (make sure have a  database in your localhost)

B) use NetBeans to open your files,under the App file, under config file, you see a database.php.default,rename it and move .default, and open it

C) here you could set your database, there are class you should change it like this

public $default = array(
‘datasource’ => ‘Database/Mysql’,
‘persistent’ => false,
‘host’ => ‘localhost’,
‘port’ => ”,
‘login’ => ‘root’,//I use localhost, so I set it root
‘password’ => ‘*******’,//here put your password
‘database’ => ‘blog’,//choose your databases
‘prefix’ => ”,
‘encoding’ => ‘utf8’,

Second,config your salt

under app/config/core.php, open core.php file,find your Security.salt, then go to google type:random strings, click GRC,copy the string to replace it into your file,should look like below:

Configure::write(‘Security.salt’, ‘dVYSYFEl2wYaF5FXSKhFmhGSXBGLmFeyczLUaH4IX8qIKZqo03aasw2jTmcjRP7’);

Third, Debug is optional but I think that it is good have it.

Down load it from cakePHP website name debug_kit-master file put it under your plug file

open bootstrap.php uncommon this statement.

CakePlugin::load(‘DebugKit’); //Loads a single plugin named DebugKit



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